Thursday, July 17, 2008

My mental soundtrack for today

Klaxons - Golden Skans

Light touch my hand, in a dream of Golden Skans, from now on. You can forget our future plans. Night touch my hand with the turning Golden Skans, From the night and the light, all plans are golden in your hand. Set sail from sense, bring all her young. Set sail from where we once begun. While we wait, while we wait. A hall of records, or numbers, or spaces still undone. Ruins, or relics, disciples and the young. Light touch my hand, in a dream of Golden Skans, from now on. You can forget our future plans. Night touch my hand with the turning Golden Skans, From the night and the light, all plans are golden in your hand. We sailed from sense, brought all our young. We sailed from where we once begun. While we wait, while we wait. A hall of records, or numbers, or spaces still undone. Ruins, or relics, disciples and the young. Light touch my hand, in a dream of Golden Skans, from now on. You can forget our future plans. Night touch my hand with the turning Golden Skans, From the night and the light, all plans are golden in your hand


GATA said...

Já postei este video no anterior blog... é uma canção fantástica! (lamentavelmente o resto do album é fraco...)

Blondie said...

Gatinha, também adoro esta música, não me canso de a ouvir. Não conheço muito bem o trabalho destes rapazes, mas por aquilo que dizes, não estou muito curiosa :)